Fall Focus: Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zones

With the temptation of Halloween treats behind us and the holidays quickly approaching, now is the time to double down on our wellness routines. From Bala-fueled workouts to Book Club’s latest inspirational read and a brand-new class concept coming soon, The Corner has lots of motivation in store for the month of November and beyond.

Benefits of Bala

Who doesn’t love a new toy? Bala bangles, bands, rings, and gliders have arrived at The Corner, and we’re feeling the burn—and the benefits—of these awesome props. An ultra-modern rendition of ’80s-style wrist/ankle weights, Bala Bangles have become a fast favorite among our trainers, who love them for their comfortable, baby-soft texture and sly way of intensifying any exercise—from simple arm circles to lunges and leg lifts. Over at the Pilates & Lagree studio, trainer Steph Bessert has her clients donning the bangles on the Megaformer. “The bangles are a fun, comfortable way to up resistance in small increments,” says Steph. “At one pound, they add just enough to be noticed!”

Trainer Whitney Stines agrees. “As someone who loves to lift heavy weights, I was shocked at how challenging and effective the 1-pound wrist weights are,” she says. Whitney prefers the Bala ring as a more versatile alternative to a traditional dumbbell, for C-curve core work on the mat, for example. Clients can see what she means in her new Bala-inspired class debuting this month, called Bala Power, a mix of cardio and strength training incorporating high reps and compound movements that "flow" together to tone the whole body while keeping the heart rate up. “Fitness is constantly evolving in ways that are so exciting,” says Whitney. “I encourage everyone to give this class a try, as it’s so important to incorporate variety in our fitness routine and keep the body guessing!”

Bala Power: Mondays at 10:00am and Thursdays at 10:30am starting November 7.

A book to inspire life changes

Book Club is back with an eye-opening read about getting out of our comfort zones. The Comfort Crisis, by Michael Easter, is available for purchase at Coreander’s Children’s Bookshoppe, where a discussion led by Dr. Ginette Gomez and Dr. Susan Grabowski will be held on Wednesday November 15th at 7:00pm. Come enjoy refreshments and insights—all are welcome and need not have read the book to attend!

The Corner Book Club meeting, November 15 @ 7pm, Coreander’s Children’s Bookshoppe, 15118 Kercheval

Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park

Mega moves on the mat

This month, a new class concept merging Megaformer and Mat Pilates debuts at The Corner Studio Pilates & Lagree. Developed by Corner trainer Courtney La Croix, Mat Mega Mix is a body conditioning class with a focus on Pilates mat work exercises interspersed with Megaformer moves for added challenge and variety. Exercises will focus on core stability, toning, and increasing flexibility, as well as encourage a mind-body awareness and emphasize alignment, breathing, and coordination. Courtney, whose background and training are heavily rooted in Pilates, finds the Pilates and Lagree methods to be a wonderful complement to each other. “They have similarities and differences, but both have enormous benefits,” she says. “This class will offer yet another way to diversify your weekly workouts or a great way to sample one of the methods that may be new to you.”

Mat Mega Mix: Fridays at 6am starting November 11. (Wednesdays at 11am will be added after Thanksgiving!)

Check out our updated class schedule on The Corner Studio app for new classes and times!

See You at The Corner.

The Corner Studio