Farewell Summer, Hello Fall Fresh Starts

Following summer’s infinite lineup of barbecues, one too many poolside French fries, and perhaps the more than occasional fruity cocktail, fall brings back beloved routine and along with it a fresh start for both clean eating and regular exercise.

“Everyone works better when there’s structure,” says fitness trainer and health coach Lindsay Perrigan. At The Corner Studio this month, we’re focused back on our health, taking time for ourselves after a busy summer season entertaining family and friends, traveling, and working to maintain active lifestyles while trying to beat the heat. Who’s ready for some structure and a little more self-control? (Not to mention immunity-prepping for the coming cold and flu season!) Here, The Corner guide to getting back on track now.

Commit to Clean Eating with Lindsay Perrigan’s Health Coaching

“When you know about food, you think about what you put in your body,” says Lindsay. Her three-month individualized health coaching program gives clients the knowledge, resources, and confidence to adopt cleaner eating habits and put their bodies in motion. Starting with a consultation, Lindsay will put together a customized plan that meets each client’s unique needs and health goals—from overall weight loss to sugar control to targeting inflammation and joint pain with the right food choices. She educates her clients through twice monthly meetings, daily communication, recipes, articles, inspirational pep-talks, and encouraging the practice of self-love to help them commit to a healthy lifestyle for good. Pro tips like “Keep a plate of veggies in your fridge at all times” and “Choose foods with five or less ingredients” are among the simple but effective advice she gives her clients to promote cleaner eating habits.

Take it from Corner client Kate Kingsley, who recently completed Lindsay’s program. “It changed my life,” says Kate. “And it changed what I am feeding my kids.” Not only did the Pre-K/Kindergarten teacher and busy mom lose more than 20 pounds since May, but she also gained an arsenal of healthy snack options to start the school year on the right foot, a roster of new meals to get excited about cooking at home, and the confidence to make smart food choices and manage cravings without feeling deprived.

Contact The Corner Studio to schedule a consultation with Lindsay.

Get Excited About Your Workouts

With over 60 classes per week between our studios, there is always an opportunity in the day to move and feel supported by an amazing community. From Lagree to Pilates Body, HIIT to Step, and private, duet, and group fitness classes, Corner offers so many ways to work out. This month, Cara is back in action with Rebound Burn and Cardio Dance/Sculpt, while Lindsay brings strength training to the ballet barre with new Barre Bootie. Try something new this month! Secure your spot in class on The Corner Studio app.

Boost Immunity & Wellness with Cozy Sauna Sessions

Our infrared sauna is the best of the best, and it offers so much more than a sweat. Thirty minutes in our spacious Clear Light Sauna can maximize your calorie burn post workout, reduce inflammation, relieve body pain, detox skin, and aid in a better night’s sleep. Make it a date or an excuse to catch up with a sibling or friend while improving your health together. Book using The Corner Studio app or call us directly.

See You at The Corner.

The Corner Studio