“Eat the rainbow,” said Dr. Susan Grabowski, DO, at The Corner Studio’s first “Health Session Series” event last night, where women gathered for a nutrition presentation followed by some retail therapy to benefit Feeding America.

As a functional medicine consultant, Dr. Grabowski examines root causes of symptoms to help her patients optimize their energy, mental clarity, metabolic function, and sense of well-being. For the first in a series of health talks hosted at The Corner, she focused on three key points: our relationship with food, nutrients, and diet personalization. Here, a recap of last night’s presentation and the scoop on what’s coming next!

Mindset matters.

Our personal relationship with food is intimate and can be positive or negative. Dr. Grabowski pointed out that many people tend to think of food as restricting or limiting (I can’t have this, I shouldn’t eat that, Why did I eat that?!). Changing our perspective about food can impact how our body responds to it. She said, “Food is medicine; food is fuel; food is to be enjoyed and shared. That’s how our digestive system was meant to work.” Amen!

Dr. Grabowski also noted that when we think about our diet, we’re usually focusing on weight management and avoiding disease. “We need to also think about how food impacts our life that day,” she said. Stomach aches? Brain fog? Anxiety? Tuning into our brain-gut reaction, regulating our blood sugar, and feeding our gut microbiome can make a huge difference in how we feel every day.

What it means to “eat clean.”

“We live in a toxic world,” said Dr. Grabowski, referring specifically to GMOs and processed foods. So, how do we navigate all the toxicity? Dr. Grabowski shared a little life hack for all of us paralyzed with indecision at the grocery store:’s “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” list foods that absorb pesticides readily and ones that don't. “It's a good guide for what to absolutely get organic if you can,” she said.

We all know—or kinda know—that variety in our diet is important. One reason is gut biodiversity, which can affect everything from our metabolism and weight to our immune system and mental health. Just like we get sick of certain foods, our gut can get sick from them. Dr. Grabowski said, “Eating the same thing every day can set you up for food sensitivities.”

One size-fits-one diet.

“If vegan works for your neighbor, it might not work for you,” said Dr. Grabowski. She suggested instead to be mindful about how foods make us feel. Because stable glucose is a critical component of health, one way to closely—and more accurately—monitor how foods affect our bodies daily is through CGM, or continuous glucose monitoring, a non-invasive device that measures your glucose 24/7. Think of it as next-level food journaling!

To learn more about Dr. Grabowski, visit her website and follow her on Instagram @drsusangrabowski .

Want to dive deeper into healthy habits? Join The Corner Studio’s Wellness Book Club! Our first meeting is Tuesday, January 11, 2022 and we’ll be discussing David Sinclair’s Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To. At the meeting you’ll also be able to sign up for a group CGM and schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Grabowski. Stay tuned for more details!

See You at The Corner!

The Corner Studio