Temperatures are falling, so it’s time to build some heat! The Corner’s BarrEnergy class, taught by Ali Manion, begins with just that. Borrowing from Kundalini, Ali cues students to rub the palms of their hands together briskly before diving into a dynamic routine of beat-based movements ranging from Barre’s traditional tiny pulses and isometric holds to HIIT’s larger, full-body motions that rev heart rate and burn lots of calories. Aren’t you warmer just thinking about it?

Speaking of, BarrEnergy kicks off with a deliberately thorough warm-up—about 15 minutes—which properly opens up the hips and wholly preps the body for focused muscle work. Because the music is good and Ali is smiling from ear to ear, her eyes twinkling (partly from the light dusting of sparkle she’s applied to the corners, but also because she’s genuinely excited to be there with you), before you realize it, you’ve done a hundred squats. Ditching your shirt, you’ve now accepted Ali’s impossible-to-turn-down invitation to work out like you mean it.

“OK, my darlings,” Ali says encouragingly between exercises, her expressive instruction a nod to her former elementary school art teacher self. “I love teaching,” says Ali, who also taught Barre in Denver for several years before recently returning to Grosse Pointe to finish her PhD in pediatric neuropsychology. “Teaching is a big part of my identity and I hope to keep that part of me alive.”

“Teacher” Ali is very much alive and giving us an education at The Corner. In BarrEnergy, each song takes you through an exercise, the beat inspiring slow or faster movements. The mix keeps your body guessing and your head in the game. A lower-body section incorporates hamstring and quad-focused moves on the mat, like lunges and turned-out squats, with similar variations at the ballet barre. Ali may even convince you to slide a resistance band around your thighs or strap on some ankle weights—all in the name of glutes, of course. An arm series with light weights (2–5 lbs) works shoulders, chest, back, biceps, and triceps to—before you know it—total burnout.

“We build up to the cardio—usually one big song,” says Ali, referring to the return to bigger, faster movements mimicking and expanding on the ones done in warmup. “I like to do a big release after the small muscle work and weights.”

After a quick stretch at the ballet barre, it’s back to the mat for abs (“My favorite!” Ali admits). That’s clear from her cheery cueing for what she calls “foundational” movements that emphasize spinal stability. “Building mindfulness and cueing that mind-body connection is so important, especially in ab work,” she says.

Class wraps up with a very mellow cool-down, an intentionally stark contrast from how it started. “It’s more meditative,” Ali says of the breath series that helps to recover the body and reflect on the work you just put in. After a luxurious stretch and positive send-off, you leave class feeling limber, energized, and warmed up for just about anything.

Don’t miss Ali’s BarrEnergy at The Corner Studio on Thursdays at 5:30pm and Sunday sat 11:00am. Ali also teaches Lagree at The Corner Studio Pilates & Lagree on Tuesdays at 7:00pm and alternating Saturdays at 9:00am and 10:00am. Sign up on The Corner Studio app.

See You at The Corner!

The Corner Studio